
morality, faith and rebellion

the story

Holly tells of her commitment, as a Christian climate activist, to ‘change the society that we live in so that its easier for everyone to be able to live a lower carbon footprint’. She joins with others from Extinction Rebellion and speaks of non-violent direct action.

the film

talking points

revisiting history

Jesus was a huge activist... he carried out direct action himself.

This is very much like the early church, it feels very raw, it’s finding its form and we are relying on each other, to support each other and stand up for justice.

Drawing on your understanding of the life and teachings of Jesus and from what we know of the early church, what sort of place do you think climate activism should have in the church of today?

the challenge

All of the creation... the animals, the species, the eco-systems are all made by God, are precious to God.

Where does this affirmation of a creator God in the context of climate chaos and the threatening destruction of so much of our natural world, lead you in theological thinking?

Extinction Rebellion uses non-violent civil disobedience as a central strategy to bring about the necessary political, economic and legal change needed. What are your feelings about this?

If you had been one of the shoppers targeted by Holly with her leaflets, what would your response have been, and why?


When I am taking part in non-violent direct action, for me it’s the time when my faith comes alive and I feel closest to God.

Can you connect with those feelings in your experience?


Christian Climate Action are represented by Holly on the film.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change. The site points to its many reports.

The Climate Coalition is the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change.

Scientists for Global Responsibility is a membership organisation promoting responsible science and technology. It gives an unbiased view of climate change and has no corporate or government sponsorship.

The United Nations site has much on climate change.

Green Christian ordinary Christians from all backgrounds and traditions working to care for Creation through prayer, living simply, public witness, campaigning and mutual encouragement.

Shrinking the Footprint is the Church of England’s environment campaign.

Hope for the Future specialises in training citizens to work with MPs on climate change.


‘Time to Act’ A Resource Book by the Christians in Extinction Rebellion, published by SPCK, 2020

‘This Changes Everything’ by Naomi Klein, published by Penguin 2015

‘The Uninhabitable Earth’ by David Wallace-Wells, published by Penguin, 2019

The Covid 19 pandemic has resulted in a great deal of reflection about the environment and doubtless books and articles will soon appear.